Sunday, May 29, 2011

Another Sunday WOW

Hmm, I guess I'm starting to change things up with this weekend version of WOW. My youngest keeps telling me Sunday is technically the first day of the week, so I think I may just have to keep this going.

Okay, with that being said, this weeks WOW is a very appropriate one for many reasons. But I'm getting ahead of myself...

The week's WOW is...


Farewell - n. An acknowledgement at parting; a goodbye. OR int. Used to express goodbye.

I realize both defintions are basically the same, but I have a reason for doing that. On Friday I, and the rest of our school, had to say farewell to my boss and our principal after 19 years at our school district. After school ended, the staff at both schools in our district joined together in a celebration. And even though there were a lot of tears, there were a lot of laughs and much reminiscing.

For me, though, this parting is very bittersweet. This man was my older child's biggest champion during a very dark time for him in elementary school. He was the reason I could tell my son, "I know you don't want to go to school, but keep your eye on the will get better."

And it has.

This man was also saw in me enough potential offer me a job at our school one afternoon while I was waiting for my younger son to get out of Kindergarden. I had applied for another position, and during the interview, his last questions to me was, "It this position didn't work out, would I be interested in something else?" Of course I said sure...even though I had no idea what I would be getting myself into.

What I got into was the opportunity to work with special needs kids and utilizing all of my strengths my mentor teachers had expressed to me while I was getting my credential, even though they knew teaching in front of a class wasn't my passion.

I am so grateful and so sad...yet, I am so very happy for him and this opportunity. And I wish him all the happiness in the world.

So, farewell, Dr. will be missed! :)

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