Friday, September 3, 2010

And now . . . WOW!

I'm getting into a routine that I don't like . . . only having one blog post a week.

I do enjoy putting out my WOW Fridays, but I admit I REALLY would like to spend more time posting on here. Which is a good opening to my WOW this week, which is . . .


1. Absent; lacking.
2. Not measuring up to standards or expectations.

My reasoning for pick this particular word is two-fold. First, as a vent to the fact that I am very frustrated with myself for my lack of writing time . . . both on here and also on my stories. The other reason is because the word wanting is a good word to describe a character I've been trying to work on for the past several months.

I seem to go in this cyclical pattern where I work on a character I'm dedicated to, and working on getting to know, but then I have another character enter into my consciousness and they don't want to go away . . . regardless of how inconvenient their timing is!

For the past month or two, I've been avoiding working on this character, but she won't leave me alone! I even have her playlist on my iPod, and I've been listening to it over and over and over again. Much to the chagrin of my children (although not to much . . . they like the music).

However the thing about this character is that her life is very wanting . . . which makes her a very compelling girl. And I can't get her out of my mind.

So tonight, after avoiding her for too long, I finally sat down and worked on the list of this girl's character traits.

And reminding myself that I have a finish up with a different character before I can work on this one. Hopefully that will be just the push I need to get through my wanting writing life.

We'll see. Have a great Labor Day weekend! :)

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